

The National Scientific Program "Environmental Protection and Reduction of the Risk of Adverse Events and Natural Disasters" approved by Council of Ministers Resolution 577 / 17.08.2018 and financed by the Ministry of Education and Science (Agreement № DO-230 / 06-12-2018) is implemented by a consortium consisting of 9 (nine) scientific organizations and higher schools.

Leading organizations are:

• Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)

• Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski "

Predefined partners are:

• Agricultural Academy (SAA)

• University of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski "(MGU)

• University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM)

• University of Forestry - Sofia (LU)

• University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG)

• Technical University - Sofia (TU)

• National Center for Public Health and Analyzes (NCPHA)

The consortium is managed by an Executive Board (IS), comprising one representative of the leading and redefined partners.


• A general purpose

Conducting fundamental and applied research aimed at ensuring a sustainable, favorable and safer living environment for the population of the Republic of Bulgaria.

• Specific (specific) goals

-Fundamental research: Developing or adopting methodologies and conducting reliable, comprehensive and detailed studies of:

• Spatial-time diversity of parameters and characteristics of the ground atmosphere and their impact on the quality of life, health risk and the state of ecosystems. Quality of water (including underground and marine) and their impact on quality of life, health risk and ecosystem conditions.

• Quality of the urban environment (buildings, transport and technical infrastructure, green areas, public open spaces and population) and impact on quality of life, health risk and ecosystem conditions.

• Repeatability and spatial distribution of extreme, unfavorable and catastrophic natural phenomena (droughts, storms, hailstorms, floods, fires, sea turbulence, soil erosion, etc.) and their relationship to large-scale atmospheric processes and possible climate change; risk assessment and predictive, early warning and prevention capabilities.

• Geological environment and geological hazards (movements of active faults, landslides, collapses, storms, technogenic pollution from drilling and mining activities) - repeatability and spatial distribution; an assessment of forecasting, early warning and prevention capabilities.

• Risks to biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems as a component of a sustainable and favorable living environment.

• Reaction and adaptation of ecosystems to extreme, unfavorable and catastrophic natural phenomena in the geological past (global warming and colds, collision with space bodies, global annoying events, etc.) - a key to understanding the current and reliable forecasting of future changes.

- Applied research: Based on the knowledge generated by targeted fundamental research, where possible, the following will be developed:

• Systems for predicting unfavorable and catastrophic natural phenomena.

• Early warning systems for disasters.

• Systems to support actions in catastrophic events and disasters.

• Long-term strategies and a set of measures to prevent and overcome unfavorable and catastrophic phenomena.

• Filling knowledge gaps into the mechanisms of biodiversity loss and ecosystem functions in Bulgaria and the Black Sea in the context of climate change and extreme natural phenomena and their interactions with local human activities; possible ways of mitigating and adapting to negative impacts.

-Expanding the qualifications of scientists and researchers and securing a modern research infrastructure.

- Dissemination of research results.

-Transfer of knowledge to relevant management bodies (development of science-based strategies and programs for sustainable management).

- Stimulating a multidisciplinary partnership between research teams of different scientific disciplines.

For more details, please use the website of the "Protecting the Environment and Reducing the Risk of Adverse Events and Natural Disasters" -

Additional materials and information:

D EVELOPMENTS for the absence of double funding

Terms and requirements for shaping and presenting results